Hopbine Yard, East Street, St Ives, Cambs, PE27 5PB

This case relates to a parcel of land extending to approximately 0.1 hectares located within the built up area of St Ives. The application site consists of several disused buildings and areas of hardstanding relating to the former use of the site as an ATS Euromaster garage.

The vast majority of the site falls within Flood Zone 3 as identified by the Environment Agency’s Flood Mapping and Flood Zone 3a as identified by Huntingdonshire District Council’s Updated Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Maps (2017). A very small portion of the site falls within Flood Zone 2.

There are Listed Buildings within the vicinity of the application site which is located within St Ives Conservation Area which extends in each direction beyond the site boundaries.

To the east of the application site are residential dwellings and their associated curtilages. Residential properties are also located to the west of the site; separated from the site boundary by an access serving the Doctor’s Surgery which sits immediately north of the site. Residential properties are also located to the south of the site, separated from the site by East Street.

The approved Planning Application 17/02529/FUL provided for the demolition of the existing buildings and the erection of 14 apartments together with associated works.